We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it… (on June 1st)

25 05 2014

The participants of the Pittsburgh Marathon may run 26.2 miles, but they only cross five bridges. Do them one better by joining Urban Hike in downtown as we tread six of the river-spanning steel pathways that make Pittsburgh the City of Bridges.

Fort Duquesne Bridge

We will meet in Firstside Park at First Avenue and Ross Street at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, June 1st. From there, we will embark on over six miles of walking over, under, and beside bridges. We’ll even encounter ghosts of bridges past! This is longer than our typical hike, so plan for up to 3.5 hours’ worth of Golden Triangle trekking. The path is fairly flat, though there are a handful of bridge-related level changes along the way plus one hilly climb up the Bluff and down the stairs on the other side.

Street parking is free on Sundays everywhere in Pittsburgh, but for those of you who aren’t up for a parallel-parking hunt, the First Avenue parking garage is only a few blocks away. Firstside Park is also easily accessible from the First Avenue T Station. As always, the hike is on, rain or shine. We hope to see you there!